Apr 29, 2018
State Auditor John Dougall and State Representative Kim Coleman talk with James Harrigan and Antony Davies, co-hosts of the Words & Numbers podcast. Harrigan and Davies discuss why America’s universities are the gold standard in the nation but why our primary and secondary education is perennially ranked in the...
Apr 29, 2018
State Auditor John Dougall and State Representative Kim Coleman talk with Jonathan Williams, Chief Economist and Vice President for the Center for State Fiscal Reform at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Williams shares the factors which have propelled Utah to the top of the Rich States/Poor States...
Apr 29, 2018
State Auditor John Dougall and State Representative Kim Coleman talk with State Representative (and Dr.) Mike Kennedy. Kennedy shares his background and experience as well as his perspective on Congress. Kennedy discusses his successful strategy for the Republican convention victory as well as his plan for the...
Apr 29, 2018
State Auditor John Dougall and State Representative Kim Coleman talk with Sophia DiCaro, Republican nominee for the Salt Lake County Council. DiCaro discusses her candidacy, the challenges of representing a county as diverse as Salt Lake, as well as the strengths she would bring to the office.
We appreciate Red Meat...
Apr 29, 2018
State Auditor John Dougall and State Representative Kim Coleman talk with Patricia Nelson, a first-time delegate to the Republican’s State Convention. Nelson shares her initial perspective on the caucus-convention process, her motivation for running to become a delegate, and what she learned through the process.